Sunday, 17 May 2015

MQ as a Service in IIB

IBM introdued MQ or Database as SOA service in IIB.This is available in earlier versions of WMB as supportpac.
This includes two things :
·         An IRI Specification defining addresses for referencing WebSphere MQ queues and topics in a way similar to URL Web addresses.
·         A WSDL Binding Specification defining extensions for WSDL that describe WebSphere MQ applications, including its connections, the queues or topics it uses, its message exchange pattern (request-response or one-way) and the quality of service and message formats it uses.
Why MQ or Database services can be used as SOA services?Whats the benefit?
·         Architects can catalogue MQ/DB  applications in a standard way as they are specified in WSDL
·         MQ/DB applications can be extended to Webservice stack. These specifications will enable them to write a WMQ/DB service implementation that will interoperate with other WMQ/DB service implementations.
·         Use the Service Definitions to aid the development, management and monitoring of WebSphere MQ/DB applications, particularly where tools exist that take advantage of these specifications
·         Helps in dynamic invocation

Now,lets create a MQ service and use it in a message flow,

1)Select MQ Service in File->New

2)After creating MQ service,a screen open for MQ service to fill in all the details
3)Provide MQ details to test the connectivity with MQ QueueManager

4)Next step is to choose,whether we are going for One-way or Req-Res modal ,and what are the queues we are selecting
5)Next is to choose ,MQ header information as below,
If we are selecting only one-way,then only Request MQ headers are sufficient to be fillied up
6) Now,we can choose the messagetypes for input messages by first having the messageset in the MQ service folder itself so that it gets referred in the Input (Use XML schema elements àOpen file)

7)Now drag and drop the newly created MQService to the MQInput node.We can now see that all the properties defined in MQ Service gets reflected in the MQInput node’s properties.

Friday, 15 May 2015

A basic Android application development in IBM Worklight

How to install Worklight?
1)Follow the steps in get Juno Eclipse and Worklight plugin installed
Your IDE environment looks as below,

2)After installation when you try to open eclipse,if you are getting the below error

Your OS is 64-bit.You have installed eclipse juno as 64 bit.But your java jre is 32 bit.
Its evident by executing the below command,
If java installed is 64-bit,it would show the result of java –version as 64 bit.
Now after installing java-64 bit,

After successfully opening the IDE,now time to start with our Application development.
To view the application in IE,
On Preview console:
Now Previewing at Android mobile:

Mobile Browse Simulator

Simulator vs Emulator
A simulation is a system that behaves similar to something else, but is implemented in an entirely different way. It provides the basic behavior of a system but may not necessarily abide by all of the rules of the system being simulated. It is there to give you an idea about how something works.
Think of a flight simulator as an example. It looks and feels like you are flying an airplane, but you are completely disconnected from the reality of flying the plane, and you can bend or break those rules as you see fit. E.g.; Fly an Airbus A380 upside down between London and Sydney without breaking it.
An emulation is a system that behaves exactly like something else, and abides by all of the rules of the system being emulated. It is effectively a complete replication of another system, right down to being binary compatible with the emulated system's inputs and outputs, but operating in a different environment to the environment of the original emulated system. The rules are fixed, and cannot be changed or the system fails.
The M.A.M.E. system is built around this very premise. All those old arcade systems that have been long forgotten, that were implemented almost entirely in hardware, or in the firmware of their hardware systems can be emulated right down to the original bugs and crashes that would occur when you reached the highest possible score.

Running your application on a real device
When an Android device is connected to the computer with a USB cable, the Eclipse ADT plug-in automatically recognizes the Android device and attempts to deploy applications onto it.
Now installing ADT….
ADT Plugin
First install ADT bundle which also has SDK manager.So,the SDK location gets automatically populated

Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications
ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android projects, create an application UI, add packages based on the Android Framework API, debug your applications using the Android SDK tools, and even export signed (or unsigned) .apk files in order to distribute your application.

Install Google USB driver by following the REF:
Once the Android environment is set,below error may occur.Hence set the Project Build Target

Once all the errors are resolved in the native Android project,create .apk file if it is not created automatically.
Android application package file (APK) is the file format used to distribute and install application software and middleware onto Google's Android operating system.APK files are ZIP file formatted packages based on the JAR file format, with .apk file extensions
Create by choosing as below

Password used is “passwd”

Now send this .apk file saved in your PC to your Android mobile.While trying to open the .apk file in Android mobile,it will ask you with Android symbol to install.Say yes and that’s it …
All set!
You can see the application name with some icon in your modile and you can open to view the Application.


Using MessageBroker APIs

In this post,lets explore about Messagebroker APIs.
Dont get it confused with the term “CMP-ConfigManagerProxy”.Both the terms are one and the same.In initial versions of Message broker it was called as CMP.Later from WMB v7,it is called as MessageBroker API.
Whats the use of it?
If you want to control broker,its resources such as Egs,JVM,etc., and even if you want to develop message flows with just java code,you can make use of the MessageBroker APIs provisioned by WMB in your Application. You can also run CMP applications, and therefore control one or more broker components, from computers on which you have not installed IBM Integration Bus.
So,your application may be running in same server of broker –so connectivity between them will be Java Native Interface(JNI)
Your application may even be running in remote server- so connectivity between them will be SVRCONN(JNI)
Best picture which can explain this connectivity :

Now,lets jump into creating some samples using these APIs…
Lets first do some administrative tasks using these APIs.Some of the administrative tasks that we can do with APIs are Deploying,Navigating broker resources,setting User defined properties at runtime,working with Resource Manager statistics,Activity logs.
Add the ConfigManagerProxy.jar from the path  C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSI\\classes to our java class build path  external jars
If we are getting error as below while connecting to QueueManager from Java program,then follow the steps as shown in Solution.
But “Radhamani” user is already having full permission while checking the Security in QM!
From MQ7.1,there is some default security
Beautiful explanation about this concept
The one on the bottom tells the QMgr "if someone tries to connect over a SVRCONN using an administrative user ID, block the connection in all cases."
To allow a connection from Broker Toolkit you have two choices as follows:
1.    Remove mqbrkrs from the mqm group. This allows it to connect without firing the CHLAUTH rule that blocks admin users. You will of course be required to grant authorization for the mqbrkrs group to all the broker and application queues to which it needs access since it is no longer an MQ admin.
2.    Override the CHLAUTH rule to allow the broker toolkit to connect as an admin on the SYSTEM.BROKER.CONFIG channel.
As a security specialist, I favor the first option. It is unavoidable that the MQ admin can administer the broker. However it is possible to avoid allowing the broker (and by extension all the broker flows) to administer the QMgr.
If, however, you wish to take the second route you'll need to override the CHLAUTH rule that blocks admin access. There are several ways to do this. You could delete the rule but that opens all your channels to admin connections. A more precise approach is to provide a rule just for the channel on which the administrator is to connect. For example:
Since WMQ applies the most specific rule, the default rule is overridden by the new one but only for the SYSTEM.BKR.CONFIG channel. The BLOCKUSER rule syntax allows us to specify who to deny but not who to allow and it takes user IDs rather than group IDs. In order to allow admin access it is necessary to specify some ID that is not *MQADMIN. I picked *NOACCESS because it cannot be an actual user ID and is a reserved word used by WMQ elsewhere. You could as easily used any user ID such as nobody or even mqm. (Blocking mqm would allow mqbrkrs but not mqm however since mqbrkrs is in the mqm group it would not restrict mqbrkrs from administering the QMgr.)
Finally, note that any channel which allows admin access should be strongly authenticated. If the only CHLAUTH rule you set is the one above, then anybody with a network route to the QMgr can connect on that channel by asserting the mqbrkrs user ID on the connection. Once connected, they would have full control over the QMgr and the ability to remotely, anonymously execute commands using the mqm or mqbrkrs user IDs. At the very least add a CHLAUTH rule to filter conenctions on this channel by IP address. Or, even better, use SSL and filter connections by the certificate distinguished name.

I have disabled Channel Authentication to solve this error,
AMQ8408: Display Queue Manager details.
   QMNAME(RadQM)                           CHLAUTH(ENABLED)
AMQ8005: WebSphere MQ queue manager changed.
AMQ8560: WebSphere MQ security cache refreshed.
AMQ8408: Display Queue Manager details.
   QMNAME(RadQM)                           CHLAUTH(DISABLED)
Deployment using CMP*;
public class  CMP_Deploy {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BrokerConnectionParameters bcp =
       new MQBrokerConnectionParameters("localhost", 1414, "RadQM");
    try {
      BrokerProxy b = BrokerProxy.getInstance(bcp);
      ExecutionGroupProxy eg = b.getExecutionGroupByName("default");
      DeployResult dr = eg.deploy("F:\\Techie\\", true, 30000);
      System.out.println("Result = "+dr.getCompletionCode());
    } catch (Exception e) {
This program deploys into the broker connected with RadQM Queuemanager in the EG “default”.
As we saw one Administration task using CMP,we shall now look into a development task using CMP(now called as Message Broker API).
Without even having MB toolkit,just by having JDE for develping code and compatible JRE,we can run the code in any computer.
Now ,lets create a simple message flow as below,
Java code to develop this simple flow using MessageBroker API is :
public class CMPDev  {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {
            MessageFlow mf1 =  new MessageFlow("CMPFirstDev.msgflow");
            MQInputNode mqinNode = new MQInputNode();
            mqinNode.setNodeName("My Input Node");
            MQOutputNode mqoutNode = new MQOutputNode();
            mqoutNode.setNodeName("My Output Node");
            mf1.connect(mqinNode.OUTPUT_TERMINAL_OUT,mqoutNode.INPUT_TERMINAL_IN );
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Add your own code here


Monday, 4 May 2015

MQTT and MessageSight Features

MQTT Features

Quality of service levels and flows

 A QoS value determines how each message will be delivered and must be specified for every message sent by means of MQTT.
QoS 0: At most once delivery
QoS 1: At least Once Delivery
QoS 2: Exactly once delivery

QoS determination

When the client subscribes to the topic it will specify a QoS at which it would like to receive messages from the server. Let us consider a scenario where the publisher A is sending the messages to the topic at QoS 2. A subscriber can subscribe at QoS 0 and then the messaes to client will be delivered with QoS 0.

QoS impact on performance

The higher the QoS, the lower the performance.

MQTT client identifier

MQTT protocol defines a “client identifier” (client ID) that uniquely identifies a client in a network.
MQTT restricts the client ID length to 23 characters.

_ A Sensor installed in a particular location can use location code as the client ID.
_ A mobile device having network ability can choose the MAC address or some unique device ID as the client ID

Durable and non-durable subscribers with MQTT

A durable subscriber in any client can receive all the messages published on a topic,including messages published while the client was inactive.
 When MQTT client connects to the server by specifying the clean session flag as false,it is said to be non-durable.
While durable subscriptions is a nice feature to have, it adds additional responsibility to the server to hold the messages until the client connects back to the server.

MQTT persistence

It is used with QoS 1 and QoS 2 message flows.
Before the client actually sends the PUBLISH command over the wire, it will store it on disk or any other volatile storage.
On the server side, this feature is generally managed by the messaging engine itself.

MQTT message overhead

MQTT has a very low message overhead.

Eg:Publishing “Hello” in MQTT :-
1. CONNECT -> Fixed (2 bytes) + Variable (12 bytes) = 14 bytes
2. CONNACK -> Fixed (2 bytes) + Variable (2 bytes) = 4 bytes
3. PUBLISH -> Fixed (2 bytes) + Variable:
2 bytes for representing the topic name, followed by topic name, followed by msg ID,followed by payload, which is 2 + 3 + 2 + 5 = 12 bytes
4.DISCONNECT - Fixed (2 bytes) = 2 bytes
Hence this scenario needs 14 + 4 + 12 + 2 = 32 bytes.

MQTT keep alive handling

MQTT Server would know if the MQTT client is still on the network and vice-versa using the keep alive timer on the client and server.It is the client that will choose the keep alive time, the server just keeps a record of the value in the client information table on the server side.

Last will and testament

When a client connects to the server, the following parameters can be specified optionally:
1. The will topic at which the will message needs to be published.
2. The will message that needs to be published.
3. The will QoS of the message that will get published on the topic.
4. The will retain flag that signifies if the message should be retained.

When the client unexpectedly disconnects, the keep alive timer at the server side will detect that the client has not sent any message. Hence it will immediately publish the Will message on the Will topic specified by the client.

Retained flag on messages

MQTT provides a feature of holding a message for a topic even after it is delivered to the connected subscribers. This is achieved through a “retained” flag on the publish message.
The publisher of the message sets this flag on the message while publishing.
Even if the server is restarted, the retained message will not be lost. It is also important to note that there is only one retained message that is held per topic.

WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport message format

The message header for each WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport command message contains a fixed header. Some messages also require a variable header and a payload.

WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport fixed header

Table 2.  WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport fixed header
Byte 1
              Message Type
DUP flag
QoS level
Byte 2
                                  Remaining length

WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport variable header

The message header for some types of WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport command message contains a variable header such as Protocol name, Topic name, Message identifier. It resides between the fixed header and the payload.

WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport command messages and their positions in header

Table 3. WebSphere MQ Telemetry Transport command messages and their positions in header
MQTT Message
4-bit code
Client request to connect to server
Connect Acknowledgement
Publish message
Publish Acknowledgement
Publish received (assured delivery part 1)
Publish release (assured delivery part 2)
Publish complete (assured delivery part 3)
Client Subscribe request
Subscribe acknowledgement
Client Unsubscribe request
Unsubscribe acknowledgement
Ping Request
Ping Response
Client is Disconnecting


MessageSight Features

Massive Scale

·         One appliance can handle,
1M Concurrent Connections
13M non-persistent msg/sec
400K persistent msg/sec
·         Predictable latency in the microseconds under load

Security and Reliability

·         Secure firmware (signed and encrypted by IBM)
·         SSL Authentication can be implemented

Various options for Quality of Service including

·         Assured delivery


·         Compatible with a variety of environments
JMS support for Java Standard Edition (JSE) environments
WebSockets support for Rich Internet Applications
MQTT protocol with many open source clients

Built-in Connectivity with WebSphere MQ

·         One appliance can connect to multiple WebSphere MQ queue managers
·         IBM Integration Bus support through the JMS nodes

Ease of use

  • Task oriented UI guides administrator through the first steps